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A New Season Brings Fresh Beginnings

Starting our 2020 season at the Florence/Lauderdale Farmers Market, we are excited to introduce you to fresh new faces, websites, resources, and produce, of course!

First and foremost, we want to address the unfamiliar season we are all currently in together, COVID-19. Our Farmers Market season's annual kick-off is always the first Saturday in May (May 2, 2020) and we still have full intention to open on this date. That being said, we all know plans can change very quickly during this time. We are monitoring all recommendations and guidelines and are prepared to make modifications to keep all of our customers and vendors safe and healthy. We will keep you informed with any changes or modifications that are made as soon as possible.

With that being said, we are excited to offer you a few different ways to stay informed.

You can now receive emails to keep you up-to-date on all things Farmers Market! Sign up to hear from us here!

Hopefully you have been following us on Facebook already (If not, you definitely should!). You can now also find us on Instagram! Follow us @flolaufarmersmarket #eatfreshintheshoals.

And lastly, we are really excited to roll out our website where you can find all of our information and resources in one place! We hope customers and vendors alike will find it very useful, especially during this time of distancing.

We ask that our vendors browse all resources on our website and take advantage of our new online application. This will allow us to start our season more smoothly, as we usually cover any new information and applications during our vendor meeting before the start of the season. Please stay tuned as we look into different options for this year's vendor meeting.

New things for the new season:

  • We have a new Market Manager, Tony Langley! (We will be introducing him soon!)

  • Our Market Rules have been revised and refreshed, please read them for your information!

  • All vendors must now complete an application before selling at our Market. You may submit your application on our website, or print from the website and return to the Market Manager, or complete an application onsite.

  • Our soft opening of the Producers Only Market on Thursday evenings last year now has an official spot in our hours of operation! Plan to visit us after work every week this summer!

We cannot wait to see everyone, after our long stay at home, for a fresh, new beginning!

-Courtney Putman, Florence/Lauderdale Farmers Market Board Member



Debbie Clayton Wiley
Debbie Clayton Wiley

I'm looking forward to being able to stop by on my way to work.

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